February Foster Parent of the Month!
February Prize Patrol Winners with Meritan Foster Care Staff!
Foster Care Parent of the Month was created to recognize foster parents for their dedication in working with any foster youth that enters their home. A prize patrol parent is chosen monthly to represent each month of the year. Foster Care of the Month was initiated in September 2017.
Meritan February Foster Care Parents of the Month Winners! Congratulations!
During the fourth staff meeting of every month, the TN Foster Care staff recommends 3 foster parents who have met the criteria of being the Foster Care Parent of the Month. In order to be chosen, there must be proof that the foster parent met the criteria for 4 consecutive months.
The criteria is:
Submission of timely documentation
Completion of ongoing training
Successful collaboration with Meritan, DCS, and other Involved Adults,
Active participation and
Transportation to any form of appointments, family visits, and school visits.
The responsible foster care staff makes sure that all psychological, social, and educational needs have been met. Once the Foster Care Parent of the Month is chosen, a surprise visit to the home with as many foster care staff as possible, is conducted. The foster parent is presented with a gift basket with a card signed by the foster care staff and sweet treats.
Congratulations to our February Foster Care Parents of the Month winners!
Q and A about our Foster Care Parents of the Month winners, the Wardlows.
Where are the foster parents from? The foster parents are from Tennessee.
Interesting Facts? The foster parents are very involved with any child placed in their home socially and educationally. The Wardlow's provide ongoing support in every aspect to each foster youth.
What made you choose them to win? The TN foster care staff selected the Wardlow's as the Foster Care Parents of the Month for February based on their hard work and dedication in fostering. They met the necessary criteria to be chosen as the Foster Care Parents of the Month!