Tips For Enjoying the Sights and Sounds of Summer
written by Yolanda Webb
Summer Tips
I know it when I hear it! “Summer summer summertime Time to sit back and unwind…”
The sounds of summer almost always begin with Will Smith, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air ushering in summer time with the song that has become the anthem of every backyard barbecue or family reunion.
Summer Time. Young or old you know the song. And if you listen to the lyrics they take you back to your youth and inspire you to days gone by.
But let’s be’s hot as...well you know. That song while it inspires us to get outside doesn’t prepare us on how to take in that summer heat. And let’s face it for many of us that are now while past that prime of summer time, rules on how best to take care of ourselves and those we serve are what’s needed right now.
So how do you sneak in that much needed vitamin D and unwind by spending more time out in the sun? Try a few of these health tips for summer living outdoors.
Hydrate - Drink water before, during and after any outdoor activity. Whether a party in the park or running those exercise laps, drink at least 4 ounces of water for every 20 minutes you are outside.
Protect yourself - Everybody needs sunscreen. And I mean everybody. It does not matter how much melanin you have in your skin you need sunscreen. Apply a waterproof broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. If you are using a towel while standing at that grill to wipe your face...reapply every two hours or so.
Eat Fresh Fruit - The biggest reason I love summer...the number of local farmers markets or fruit and vegetable vendors selling locally. When I was a kid growing up we would visit my grandmother in Mobile and everyday, Bump...yep that was his name...Bump would come around in that fruit and vegetable truck and give each kid a plum or peach. My grandmother would buy ears of corn, watermelon, strawberries, pecans, grapes and more.
Check the time - Did you know the best time to be outside is before 10 a.m and after 4 p.m? The sun’s rays are often their hottest between those times.
Protect others - If you have children or an elderly parent or client, protect their face, neck and shoulders with a large brimmed hat and sunglasses.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of summer and to help kick off your summer time enjoy this listen of Summertime by Will Smith (The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff)