10 Steps to Become a Foster Parent
written by Alex Williams
Memphis Needs More Foster Families! As many as 863 children are in the Shelby County foster care system. This is highest number in Tennessee. To avoid placing these children in group homes or away from their siblings, more foster families are needed.
What is Foster Care?
You can become a foster parent!
Foster care provides care for children and youth who are not able to live with their biological parents. When parents are unable, unwilling or unfit to care for a child, the child must be placed in a safe place.
You Can Change the Life of a Child! How Can I Become a Foster Parent?
Can be single or married
At least 21 years of age
With, or without children of your own
Financially stable
In good health
Willing to submit background checks and fingerprint testing
What is Expected of Me as a Foster Parent?
Be able to give without the expectation of immediate returns
Have sufficient room in your home as well as your daily life
Learn and use proven behavior management skills
Love and care for children regardless of their problems
10 Steps to Become a Foster Parent
“You were born with the ability to change someone’s life. Don’t ever waste it.” -Anonymous
Here are the 10 Steps to Become a Foster Parent. We need you!
Log onto Meritan.org
Click the foster care link
Fill in the basic contact information
The information will be received
The appropriate state will do a follow-up
Meet the qualifications
Complete PATH (Parents as Tender Healers)
Provide 5 references
Participate in a Home Study process
Be a foster parent!