SC's Success Story


SC is a go-getter. In her life, she helped her husband successfully start and run a business in Chicago. She then used her business expertise to turn around failing business, eventually starting her own. After SC husband passed away, she moved back to Memphis. Then, she had to have a medical procedure which left her weak and with many expenses.

When SC came to Meritan’s Older’s Worker Program (SCSEP) in December 2018 in her late sixties, she was relying on social security benefits and Medicare. She wanted to get a job, but she didn’t know where to start and was feeling overlooked because of her age. 

After being accepted into Meritan’s Older Workers Program, SC wasted no time updating her resume, attending classes to learn new skills, and searching for jobs. She knew that she wanted to jump back into accounting management, but she feared that her skill set might be dated. However, she persevered, found a Doctor's office, and assisted with patient assessments. Even though this  job did not last, SC interviewed and secured another job with the Midsouth Lions Club.

SC said: "Meritan’s Senior Community Service Employment Program has been absolutely wonderful for her. It has been an absolute lifesaver. She is now buying a new home. SC stated, “This would have not been possible without the partnership with Meritan and the Senior Community Service Employment Program.”