A Forever Family for Davon and Tavon

Seventeen-year-old twins Davon and Tavon entered foster care with Meritan in August 2017. In June 2020, they had their dream come true: they became part of a forever family.  Mr. Grove, their foster father, adopted the two boys who have been in his care for three years. Of course, Davon and Tavon don't refer to him as Mr. Grove, they just call him dad. 

Every parent has their own personal reasons for adopting, but at its core, the advantage of adoption is simple: it builds families. Meritan is committed to helping children achieve permanency and we are so proud of Davon and Tavon's success. During their placement, the boys have made significant progress in school and even gained part-time employment. Now, with the support of their forever family, we are so excited to see where life takes them.

Visit our foster care page to learn more about how you can foster and adopt through Meritan.
