March is National Social Workers Month!

March is National Social Workers Month. This year, the theme for National Social Workers Month is “Social Workers are Essential.” This theme illustrates the importance of our social workers and the positive impact that they have on our clients in the community. We are so thankful for you. With March being National Social Workers Month, we wanted to recognize HCBS Case managers Anttrelena McClain and Takara Johnson. We asked them, "What it means to be a Social worker at Meritan?" See their responses below.

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Anttrelena McClain has been with the agency for 6 months. When asking Shemika about her social worker role at Meritan, she responded, "Being a Case manager at Meritan, Inc. really is a life changing experience; yet I really feel as if I am able to take my clients back to the times they miss the most. People go away, they get forgotten about, they become isolated but most of all they tend to lose who they really are. Subsequently, this is where I come in and give them hope through verbal contact, joy through physical contact and happiness through consistency. I am able to provide them a safe haven without the judging, stereotyping, assuming, etc. Still, the best thing ever about my job is no exact day is the same and each success story is different. The most rewarding feeling comes from hearing them say, “Thank-you so much for calling, checking in on me; it really does make me feel good!” Being a Case manager simply means to choose to listen when no one else will, choose to do the right thing when no one is looking, choose integrity above and always ask yourself what would you do if this was one of your family members? The answer is simple…. you show up, you show you care, always have an open mind, be patient, compassionate and understanding. I love my job, the ever-lasting relationships I am building but most of all I love my clients for trusting me with the most important thing ever; being able to self-advocate for them and always choosing what’s best for them no matter what.”


Meet another amazing Social Worker named Takara Johnson. She has worked for Meritan for over 2 years. She responded, "Being a Social Worker isn’t just a job or a career; it’s a calling. Working for Meritan as a Social Worker has been more than just a job, I call it “my family”. Working in the community can be very challenging at times, but it takes a strong, motivated, compassionate individual to overcome. I am that individual. My goal as a Social Worker, is to continue being an advocate and making a positive difference in the lives of others."

Thank you to all of the amazing Social Workers out in the community making a positive difference. For more information about National Social Workers Month, please go to or