Meritan Vaccinates Homebound People in West Tennessee.
Our President & CEO, Melanie Keller, opening the box of vaccinations to be delivered the homebound people.
Jennifer Mohundro, RN, excited to begin her first shift vaccinating people in their homes.
On March 16, 2021, Meritan began its homebound COVID-19 vaccinations program thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Association for Home Care. The Tennessee Association for Home Care (TAHC) received a grant from the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability (TCAD) to vaccinate homebound people in the TCAD programs that include home-delivered meals, OPTIONS, and the Family Caregiver Program.
Meritan is pleased to be the West Tennessee provider vaccinating individuals that are unable to visit a community vaccination site due to challenges created by disabilities and illness. We will vaccinate homebound individuals in the 4 southwest TN counties of Shelby, Tipton, Fayette, and Lauderdale. Meritan has extended it's scope of work beyond the grant and will vaccinate homebound members of the general community in these counties as well. There is no charge for the vaccination, however insurance information (if applicable) will be collected to bill the administration fee. This will help to cover the agency costs.
Melanie Keller, our President & CEO, stated, “Meritan has been part of the vaccination efforts since the vaccines became available. Our expertise is reaching those most in need in our community. Launching a homebound vaccination project fits well with our mission and our passion. I am so excited that we can bring the vaccine to some of our most vulnerable. I am proud we are working to close the vaccine disparity gap and helping move our state from underneath the shadow of this pandemic.”
For more information or to get on the waiting list for a vaccine, please email or complete the required information at the following link below to see if you or your loved one qualify for this service.