Meet Nirali Patel, one of Meritan's Interns!

With National Intern Day being the last Thursday of next month, we wanted you to meet one of our amazing interns named Nirali Patel. Nirali Patel is a native Memphian and first-year Master of Health Administration graduate student at the University of Memphis, where she a member of the Master of Health Administration Student Association (MHASA). She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Christian Brothers University. Through the years, she has engaged in the community through volunteering at health fairs, vaccine distribution sites, and various events through MHASA. Through her community involvement, she has cultivated a strong passion for the importance of health on an individual level as well as a larger societal level. She is the current Administrative Resident at Meritan.

1. What was the most favorite part of your internship?

One of my most favorite parts about my internship is being able to make connections with what I have learned in the classroom. Another is the exciting opportunities being an intern has provided, from the project management experience to being a part of history by volunteering at the vaccine sites.

2. Did Meritan provide you the tools to be successful with your career? If so, what professional development and job training did they provide for you.

Meritan has provided me with many tools to be successful in my career. I have the opportunity to work with an innovation team that has provided project management experience. I was able to sit in on board meetings, be a part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and sit in on various meetings to have a broad view of the organization. I was also provided the opportunity to virtually attend the NAHC conference, ACHE Congress, New Memphis seminars, and BizWomen Mentoring Monday event. I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone that offered me these incredible experiences!

3. Can you share a story of when you knew that your work makes a positive difference? It can be more than one!

Being virtual for the majority of the internship allowed me to adapt to the work-from-home environment and see that technology expands work beyond the confines of an office. As I continue to research and work with the incredible innovation team, I know that the work we are doing will have a positive impact on patients receiving healthcare in the home, beyond the walls of a healthcare facility.

4. Was there a staff member that you considered a mentor and/or helped make your internship experience valuable? Please list their name and describe the work relationship.

Jeff Weesner, Meritan’s Chief Administrative Officer, has been a fantastic mentor. Aside from Innovation project efforts, Jeff offers insight into what his day looks like for the company and what his job entails, is a great informant on topics that were not covered in the classroom, and is constantly giving advice and helping with the career development I need for the future.

Melanie Keller, Meritan’s President & CEO, has given me opportunities to attend webinars and conferences, and facilitate meetings with groups outside of the organization with whom I would not have had the pleasure of meeting anytime soon without being an intern.

Desirée Ramacus-Bushnell, Meritan’s Director of Business Partnerships, has also made my internship valuable. I mostly work with Desirée on the Innovation project and CMS grant writing. She's been extremely helpful as I am a novice in the grant writing department and is my go-to person for applications and project management tools.

5. Do you have any words of wisdom that you’d like to share?

For those pursuing a career in healthcare, consider your options with an open mind and have a wide range of experiences before committing to a career choice.

6. Any other words that you would like to share.

I would like to thank everyone at Meritan for all the hard work and dedication put forth during this pandemic. You are greatly appreciated.

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