Meritan and Family-Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) Arkansas partner with Harding University


Meritan and Family-Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) Arkansas recently collaborated with the Stampede Project at Harding University, in Searcy, AR to collect backpacks for our foster care children. It all started with a cold call to Meritan Associate VP, Darryl Johnson, from Easton, a college student at Harding University. He inquired about our services and the impact Meritan has on the child welfare system. After explaining our purpose, he shared that there are nearly 800 incoming freshmen who are required to render 6 hours of community service during the first week of classes. Initially, Darryl was apprehensive due to COVID-19, but, as a Social Worker, Darryl recognized the power of young people mobilizing for a common cause. With a project of this magnitude, Darryl elicited the help of fellow AR FFTA members.

AR FFTA is made up of approximately 16-member Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) programs across the state of Arkansas. FFTA members were excited and enthusiastic about partnering for this specified purpose. During the initial Zoom call, it was established that the focus of the community service project would be geared toward collecting backpacks for children in Treatment Foster Care. The backpack drive was a success. Easton and Harding University Stampede Project collected 167 backpacks, along with donating over $1000 to AR FFTA to buy additional supplies. Meritan staff was thrilled to assist in the distribution of backpacks to every TFC consumer in the state of Arkansas.